
Monday, June 16, 2014

Ranch Chipolte Bacon Dip

Ranch Chipolte Bacon Dip 
Have you ever been to a restaurant and fell is love with something that they served and tried to copy it at home?  Well I do all the time and usually end with huge disappointments.  I will admit that I am so proud of myself that I ended up with a finished product exactly how the original tasted.  
The web has so many recipes and there are thousands of variations but this is by far my favorite.  This is the perfect dip, sauce, topping, and/or spread for anything from sandwiches, wraps, poboys, and Fried Green Tomatoes. Hell, this stuff is so good just get a bag of tortilla chips and ENJOY!!!
1 cup Mayo
2 cups reduced fat sour cream
1 packet ranch dressing mix
2 chipotle peppers
5 bacon strips....(as much as you want) Can't go wrong with Bacon
In a food processor mix first 3 ingredients and mix. Add chipotle peppers and puree, add crumbled bacon and puree some more.  Super easy and super yummy.

Fried Green Tomatoes



Fried Green Tomatoes

3 Green Tomatoes
2 Cups Flour
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 cups Cornmeal
salt & pepper to taste
Summer in the South means Tomatoes, Tomatoes,  Tomatoes.  We put a fresh ripe tomato on anything and everything.  This is also the perfect time to enjoy green tomatoes. A hard, tart, green tomato is the perfect reason to fry something yummy.
I have been experimenting on the perfect fried tomato and I have finally perfected my recipe.
Fill a cast iron pan with oil, about 1 inch.  Cut green tomatoes in 1/4 inch slices.  Coat sliced tomato in flour, then dip in egg/milk mixture. After slice is coated with the wet mixture you then dip slices into cornmeal seasoned with salt and pepper.
After the tomato is fully coated gently lay the slice into hot oil.  I heat my oil on med/high heat. I usually cook 5 slices at a time.  Once the cornmeal turns med brown turn and cook the other side.
Serve with Bacon Ranch Chipolte Sauce

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Science Camp.......BUGS

This Summer I decided to volunteer at my sons' school for their two week summer camp program. We had a "bug" theme and  I was in charge of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Science. I had to fill up 30 minutes with each level.  Since this was Summer Camp everything needed to be interesting and hands on.  It took me forever to get things together but I finally ended up with a fun program to share with the kids.  I did end up spending $50 out of my pocket but everything was reimbursed. We all had a blast and I think that not only were the students entertained they also learned a bit. I visited my local library and checked out as many books on bugs as I could. The students loved having plenty of books to look through.

                                                                      WEEK 1

Day 1-    Watched Bill Nye Science Guy "Insects" and decorated journals
Using a piece of construction paper and 8 pieces of plain paper I folded in half and stapled edges. Students used markers and pins to make them their own.
         week 1 gave students homework (they were to bring in a dead bug) in a ziploc
Day 2-    Exoskeleton and Moulting
While I read information on Moulting and Exoskeletons I had the kids rub Elmer's glue on their non-writing hand. I then had 5 questions for them to answer then we had a discussion group. While we still had 10 minutes left in class I had students peel off the dried glue. Remember to spread the glue thin and evenly.

Day 3-    Spiders
We watched Bill Nye the Science Guy "Spiders".
Day 4- Spiders
Using Popsicle sticks and yarn we made spider webs.  I had the students make the web the best that they could. I had them then use them as paddles for ping pong balls to check the stability of their webs.
Day 5- Bug Study
The students were asked to bring in a dead bug. During class they used all of the library books and classroom computers to do as much research on their bug as possible. A wonderful site that we mostly used was While they were studying their insects I took each one and put in a silicone ice cube tray. I then poured Easy Cast Epoxy on each bug. Follow the instructions perfectly or the cubes will end up sticky.


Day 6-  Bug Research
Give the students their dry resin bug and have them share the information and research they found on their bug. Questions: Description, where they live, what do they eat, what type of bug, and cool facts.  You would be surprised on what these kids can find.
Day 7-  Rollie Pollie
Using rollie pollies (pill bugs) found under rocks in my house have students give hypothesis and conclusion on both experiments. On a piece of paper color half of paper black, then set a clear plastic dessert plate on top.  Give each student two bugs. ask...Which side does it go to....Why?  After they try this a few times add 3 wet cotton balls to the right and 3 dry cotton balls to the left. Ask same question.  Turn plate around and ask them what happens  next?

Day 8-  Bugs That Live on Us
Using web to copy pictures to a slide show I chose a few bugs to explain while I showed each picture some bugs had a few. Bugs I chose were the Demodex, Head Louse, Body Louse, Tick, Flea, Bot fly, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, Scabies Mite, Guinea Worm, Tapeworm.  This was fun for all and had the children getting very squeamish.
Day 9-  Water Bugs
Google "Sewer Bugs". Using carbonated water, water, and raisins.  Have students give Hypothesis on what the raisins will do in each cup.  Have them drop raisins in both and have them explain What, Why, and How?

Day 10-  Bugs....FOOD?
This one had me the talk of the school. I read a few articles about the world and over crowding. I also read a few articles on how eating insects would help us all.  I had purchased a 3 larvets pact from I offered each student if they would like to try a bug. The ones who did received a certificate......This certifies that __________showed bravery in the name of Science.   I Ate A Bug!!!
Even the ones who did not try them loves this idea.



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Church Chairs

I have a huge foyer and nothing ever fills up the space. For a few years I have been looking for an antique church pew. I have come across a few but nothing ever jumped out at me or they were way out of my price range.  A few months back while driving through town I saw these church chairs at a yard sale.  I had to stop.  I bought these solid oak chairs for $60. Even though they were covered in a red 70's corduroy I had to have them.

Well after alot of thought I knew that I wanted the chairs black but still wanted to see the oak grain. I chose a ebony stain. Not knowing if these had be stained with oil or water based we had to sand them down to the grain, that was NOT fun but ended up being the best idea.  At first I wanted these chairs to have a classic look so I was just looking for fabrics that were formal. I started with paisleys and tulles but nothing worked.  While at my fourth fabric store I started to leave frustrated and deflated when I came across this super fun and funky fabric.  I knew that I had to have this on my chairs.  So the end result ended up being the opposite that I had started with.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lemon Icebox Pie

This has got to be one of the easiest pies to make for your friends and family for Spring and Summer.  Can't go wrong with lemon.  This pie has one 5 ingredients and no baking.  A few years ago I won a dessert contest and was on a local morning show to showcase this pie and how simple it really is.

Lemon Icebox Pie
1 package softened cream cheese
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (4 or 5 lemons)
1 tsp zest
pre-made pie crust (graham cracker)
Mix softened cream cheese until smooth, add can of sweetened mild, lemon juice and mix well.  Stir in zest and pour all ingredients into crust. Refrigerate a few hours.  Top with whipped cream and enjoy.
Because of the lemon this recipe is perfect for warmer weather.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

GeoCaching........Great outing for family

We have always been a family who spends lots of time together. We enjoy the outdoors and finding many adventures.  I had heard about Geocaching (treasure hunting).  Caches are hidden throughtout the world and the only clues are coordinances that have been listed by others. is a wonderful site that lists coordinates for hidden caches throughout the world. 
Georgia offers their own Geo-Challenge.  The link for more info is: to get GPS coordinates for the cache locations by park.

This includes 43 state parks and historical sites.  This is the perfect way for my family to explore the state.  After you fill in the challenge grid you can receive coins.

 Please remember to be careful this is a picture similar to a snake that we almost stepped on.  Be very careful you are in nature.